In the evening I like to start by removing the excess of my make up with Bioderma (a French skincare brand make up remover that is very gentle on the skin), if I am feeling lazy or in a rush I'll use make up removing wipes. In the shower I wash my face with Cetaphil, a very gentle, soapless cleanser ideal for people with sensitive or allergy prone skin. Twice a week, or when my skin feels like it needs a good cleanse, I like to exfoliate with a face scrub. I am currently using the green tea scrub by St Ives which is a good consistency and smells amazing.
Once out of the shower I like to apply a serum. I sometimes tone my skin with Witch Hazel, but to be honest, it is a step I often skip, as I haven't notice a difference in my skin when using it. On a day to day basis Hydraluron is my pick of serums, however some nights I like to apply Argan Oil to my face. As an oil, it does leave some oily residue on the skin, however the next day you are left with radiant, glowing and soft skin. Serum is a vital step to skincare, one I did not use for a long time. I definitely notice changes in my skin since using a serum as it really absorbs into the skin and hydrates beneath the skin. Once my serum has been absorbed, I apply a face moisturiser. In summer I like to use a light moisturiser as it gets so hot and humid where I live, so for now the Palmers Daily Facial Lotion for sensitive skin does the job.
We can't all be skincare freaks (anyone else get as excited as I do simply being in the supermarket toiletries isle), but it is really important to look after our skin, it is in fact the body's largest organ!